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Inform yourself. Increasingly, wireless radiation is being shown to have adverse health risks. Health experts and governments worldwide have been drawing attention to the emerging evidence and taking action. Learn more here about what various organizations are saying and doing.
In May 2011, the WHO reclassified Cell Phone Radiation in the same potentially carcinogenic category as chloroform, engine exhaust, and lead. Read more >>
In May 2015, over 200 scientists signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal calling upon the United Nations and World Health Organization to address the emerging public health crisis related to cell phones and wireless devices and infrastructure. Read more >>
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) recommends regulatory changes to ensure “sufficiently large safety margins” to protect the health of young children. This included a 2016 regulation that banned Wi-Fi and wireless devices in “the spaces dedicated to home, to rest and activities of children under 3 years”, including nursery schools. It also required elementary schools to turn Wi-Fi routers to OFF as a default in order to minimize radiation exposure. Read more >>
Belgium enacted regulations to ban Wi-Fi from pre-schools and daycare centers in 2014, as well as prohibit the sale of cell phones designed for children under 7 years old and the advertising of cell phones to children. In addition, cell phones must have a warning label that states: "“Think about your health – use your mobile phone moderately, make your calls wearing an earpiece and choose a set with a lower SAR value.” Read more >>
The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency published a recommendation for the Australia population that Wi-Fi devices be kept at a distance "away from where people spend time", and that parents encourage their children to limit exposure to cell phone radiation "by reducing call time, by making calls where reception is good, by using hands-free devices or speaker options, or by texting". Read more >>
Some national and state legislations are being introduced. The City of Berkeley in California now requires fact sheets to be given by cell phone retailers to customers, which advise them to maintain distance between the cell phone and the body. Some state and city governments are putting safety regulations in place for Wi-Fi usage in schools and bans on cell towers on school campuses. Read more >>
Dedicated to focusing individuals and policy makers on prevention as the cure, the Environmental Health Trust helps educate and build awareness on the latest science around wireless radiation and other environmental hazards. The non-profit was founded by Dr. Devra Davis, a renowned cancer expert, former Senior Advisor to the Department of Health and Human Services, and Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. Its website is a comprehensive resource of science about wireless radiation and related public health policies, including a database of worldwide policies by governments, health authorities, and schools worldwide.
This public / private consumer watch group, Environmental Working Group, has done their own assessments and studies of the risk from everyday radiation. Read the EWG's Guide to Safer Cell Phone Use.
American Academy of Pediatrics is the main professional association of pediatricians in the U.S., dedicated to attaining "optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults." The AAP advises parents to limit children's screen time and their exposure to cell phone and other devices emitting EMF radiation, and supports more research on the health impacts on children in particular. Read its guide on "Cell Phone Radiation & Children’s Health: What Parents Need to Know".
The European Environment Agency of the European Union has the task of providing sound, independent information on the environment. The agency "recommends using the precautionary principle (PP), as recommended in the EU Treaty, to better manage the risk" of mobile phones. "Although our understanding is incomplete, this should not prevent policy makers from taking preventative action."
The Collaborative on Health and the Environment is a non-profit focused on how environmental risks can impact human, cultivating "a learning community based on the latest, evidence-based science to share knowledge and resources, and improve individual and collective health." Watch one of its seminars focused on the health risks of EMF - "Invisible Hazards: State of the Science on EMF Health Impacts and the Next Steps for Policy Change".
In less than a generation, cell phones and the Internet have revolutionized virtually every aspect of our lives, transforming how we work, socialize, and communicate. But what are the health consequence of the invisible convenience? This award-winning documentary, Generation Zapped, investigates the dangers of daily exposure to wireless technologies - including the devastating effects on our health from infertility to cancer, and suggests ways to reduce overexposure.
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